Saturday, September 6, 2008

Brianna Adam's short film "Making It" wins at Best Fest

"Making It" a musical written and directed by Brianna Adams, produced by Kendra Menard and DP'd by Jameson DeSantis takes the Audience Choice Award at Best Fest.

FCP QuickTime for Flash

Eric Bucchare of Indigo Post
suggests these settings for exporting HD progressive footage to QuickTime for use in Flash compression.

In Final Cut Pro

>>Export “QuickTime Movie” – settings “Custom”
>>Frame Size – 640x360 (custom setting)
>>Pixel Aspect Ratio – Square (w/ ‘Anamorphic 16:9’ NOT checked)
>>Field Dominance – None
>>Editing Timebase – same FPS used on the timeline
>>Compressor (codec) – Animation
>>Audio – 44kHz, 16bit, Stereo

Note: a rough estimate for uncompressed standard definition video is 1 gig per minute.

4 Minutes til Noon wins Director's Choice Award

Jonathan Taylor's short film "4 Minutes til Noon" a classic spaghetti-o western takes the Director's Choice prize at the Sacramento Film and Music Festival. The film was produced by Theresa Hoey and DP'd by Nick Ouellette who chose to skip bleach a positive print then telecine to HD to create the look of the film.